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We are excited to bring you this incredible coffee from Guatemala. Sourced by Ally Coffee, "Ally’s Core Coffee from Guatemala is named for the country’s national tree, the Ceiba. In early Mayan and Mesoamerican cultures, the Ceiba symbolized the connection between land and sky. The Ceiba lot from Huehuetenango is a community coffee, investing in sustainable sourcing to benefit a large group of producers. The cup profile boasts a rich floral and berry aroma and is full of chocolate, lemon, and raspberry, with a creamy body thanks to the specific Huehuetenango terroir."


Region: Huehuetenango

Process: Washed

Variety: Caturra, Bourbon, Typica, Catuai, Catimor, Sarchimor, Pache, Pacamara

Altitude: 1500 Meters


Guatemala Ceiba

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